Frequently Asked Questions
We know you may want to find out more about the many services we offer here at Brookside Clinical Laboratory. On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions and other pertinent information for you to reference. Learn about our comprehensive services and contact one of our specialists with any additional questions.
1Do you accept most major insurances?
We do accept most major insurances. We encourage you to contact us at 610-872-6466 prior to your visit, should you need confirmation or clarification.
2Do I need to schedule an appointment to have my blood drawn?
No, an appointment is not required for a blood draw. For your convenience, our outpatient service center is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM until 4:30 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 AM until 12:00 PM.
3Is your laboratory CLIA certified?
Brookside Clinical Laboratory, Inc. is CLIA certified in the following specialties and subspecialties:
- Bacteriology
- Syphilis Serology
- General Immunology
- Routine Chemistry
- Urinalysis
- Endocrinology
- Toxicology
- Hematology
4Are the majority of routine tests performed in your laboratory or are the specimens sent to reference laboratories?
Routine tests are performed on-site, which typically allows for results to be generated the same day as specimen submission. This quick turnaround time is extremely beneficial to the patient and the treating physician.
5Are you associated with a national corporation?
No, Brookside Clinical Laboratory, Inc. is an independent, family owned and operated laboratory started in 1967 by John J. Iacono. Mr. Iacono’s legacy is currently carried on by his two daughters: Annette Iacono as president and Michele Iacono as vice president. Many of our department supervisors have been valued members of our Brookside team for over 25 years, which lends to the continued success of our business within the community and the surrounding counties.